My Voice is Louder Than the Darkness


“My voice is louder than the darkness”

(Urban Rescue, Always)

I’ve been in dark places. Dark places. Places where I’ve cried out to God. Places where the cries were so deep, they ached in my bones. Twisted my stomach. Where the cries turned into heaves of breath. Places where I didn’t know if I wanted to wake up.

Even in those places, dark as they were, there was a small glimmer of light. God’s voice was still there. Whispering, He said, “I love you. I haven’t left you and I never will.” His voice was louder than my darkness.

In this dark spot in your life, He’s asking you to take His hand. To trust Him. To walk through the darkness with Him. Because, you see, He didn’t promise a life without darkness.. In fact, He guaranteed we would face trials. What He did promise, however, was that He would be with us always. That in everything we face, He will be right there with us. Through the joy and laughter, through the pain and the heaving cries. Filling us with unimaginable peace and inexplicable joy. Filling us with a sense of His Holy presence.

Take his hand. Let Him walk with you. Let Him carry you. Place your trust in Him.

If Jesus could overcome the world, overcome death, surely He can get us through whatever tribulation we face. I know the tunnel looks long, and it’s difficult to see the light peeking through at the end, but I know it’s there. Because my King is a King who delivers.


“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

“And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” Matthew 28:20

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